I’m a romantic and he is not.
I love deep intimate, heart to heart conversations and he does not;not that he hates it, he just can’t relate with it as much as I would love it.
And we keep having shallow conversations that messes with my emotions. Because, in times like these(when I feel overwhelmed), I need to vent to the fullest and pour my heart out to him and know that he’d be there to console me and be strong for me. But what I get is a busy bee, whose agenda is just all about his money or someone that can’t relate on the same level as I am.
It’s emotionally draining, I envisioned a relationship with someone whom we can share our thoughts,emotions and feelings. Someone who would be willing to do thing together(other than cuddling and bedroom stuffs).
Hello.its so nice meeting someone who has and shares same partner ideology,but this days different thing drive people.
In all I think understanding is the key to a good relationship.
so, he doesn’t understand me???
I think you two should understand yourself.