Hi,I was married for 3 years. During that period I had a stillbirth and 3 miscarriage. I was trumatized and my husband on the other hand was not helping the situation. During this period he started having an affair with his colleague at work and brings the lady home when ever am not around.he complains about everything I do. He made the house a living hell for me,he accuesd me of infidelity our sexual life was boring and the relationship is becoming violent to the extend that it has begin to affect my health. I almost went into depression, so I thought the best thing for me to do is to leave. We got separated. I have being trying to get my life back on track but can’t get over everything. I have a friend that we are both sexually attracted to each other.i don’t know how to resist sex from any man that comes my way.plsease help me
Hello dear its good to have friends because no one wants to be alone also remember that you need to give yourself some level of respect and self worth,when you accept this you will resist some advances