Well, I am currently about being 24 and I’m in a very sweet relationship with this amazing soul and I love him but issue it that this guy is planning on getting married next year with a clause if am ready! Ofcourse! I want to be ready but he’s a confirm Muslim guy and am a proper Christian breed and my eyes have seen shege in the cold hands of breakup! Even during my ND days that I tried dating a proper chriastain guy like me,he still later fuck up last last, he choose one nursing student over me! Saying am beginning to nah because I confronted him over his affairs with the lady ND still choose her in the end. Infact, my problems right now is on the breakup issue coz I’m over him way back, but my problem is how do I tell my parents that I want to be with this my Muslim lover! Because I really love this dude!!
Don’t date some one based on their religion and when you want to tell your parents about him you have to talk of all the good qualities you see in him and make them know that you love him not for his religion but for who he is and try to explain to them that you can’t date a christain all in the name of he is in same religion with you when you don’t love him, marriage is not all about a tribe of a person their religion or money but it is a matter of the hearth so let them know you accept him for who he is and ehh my sister nah you won marry am nor be your parence look if you get married just to please your parence then you are the one loseing because you are the one going to live with the guy you don’t like…thats all i can say about this issue.
The Bible says; Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. We can’t be wiser than God. Last I checked Christianity is not a religion, it’s more of a walk with God through Christ Jesus our saviour. One of the mistakes young ladies are making these days is that they settle, just because you had breakups in the past is not enough reason to settle for the available option you have right now. Look on the the bright side, there are good millions of men out there that you still haven’t met. And don’t think you can go into the relationship to convert him, that will be your greatest mistake.
I know there are millions of young christian male but there’s an equal amount of christian ladies who are still single out there… So have waited and past marriageable ages, some have turned the churches to their new homes, some have gone places with the mindset of being the problem and probably looking for solutions to their problems…look I don’t think that on the last day,God will judge us by our religion or faith… because before all those things, we are first human being!!
See girl, do whatever makes you happy but first pray very well about it… God will be with you!!