It’s getting hard on me… hope I could feel better Here..Am lost in dept.A graduate and since 2015, been teaching.from the little mereage salary I help out in family and pay bills.during lock down, teachers of private schools weren’t paid.i had to take some savings of over #450,000 and plus #100,000 I got from a meeting to start business.down to November, I was,the meeting people have been calling for their money..I feel like giving up on life already!
Hi goodday,what happened to the business did it fall or the business is slow some good ways of paying back loans that are huge is by paying on installment and having a pay back plan with your debtors with that every one is relaxed.
Thank I said, I was duped of a large sum which affected the business.the pay back plan is I hav gone back to my teaching job in order to earn extra income but the people that gave me the loan are not having patience.and the interest is increasing rapidly daily.. that’s my point of depression because if it keeps on increasing,even if I pay at the end of the month,it amount to nothing.thanks for your concern!