I have this childhood friend, we send nude pictures to eachother since we were 12 and it became our habit.. it kept on happening and I got into relationships with different guys and none of them knew about him just this one guy ( present boyfriend).. my present boyfriend gave me everything and anything I asked for, love, attention or support just name it.. I still had this child hood friend of mine we still did our naked games and at a point it became unbearable for me because i didn’t want to have anything to do with him emotionally so I told him I wasn’t going to do the game with him anymore because of my boyfriend that I was really inlove and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.. I made my boyfriend believe he was the only one ( he is the only one ), he overthinks and I reassured him that he was the only one, he had weird nightmares and I told him it was all stress but one the other hand I never had it in mind that what I was doing with me child hood friend was going to be the issue ( a part of me didn’t see it as a Beal deal but another part wanted to stop it )… my bowls going through my phone and he saw my conversation with my childhood friend and now he’s disappointed, hurt, shocked , broken and I’m also feeling the same way because I really love him and don’t want to lose him, I’m trying very hard to fix us up but it keeps falling apart and I’m alone on it, his family are disappointed and his friends too
No one to help me think this through so please I need your help,, what should I do ?
How can I help us get over it ?
Hi.the deed has already been done so firstly you should stop the habit and come out clean,try and beg your friend to delete all the pictures you both have then try and continue asking for forgiveness.it takes time to heal.
The deed is done. Since you now feel bad about it, forgive yourself first. Talk to your childhood friend to let go. Make all your efforts very visible to your man and ask for forgiveness. If he truly loves you he’ll forgive you and you both can forget ahead
Thank you soo much and I’m working on that ❤️