
Well It’s a long story tho
I was with a guy named Charles before around 2018
We agreed to date and along the road I found out he was a play boy
So I left
After some time
I came back because I still had feelings for him and well we got back together. I never knew he had someone else buh I found out confronted the both of them and I got insulted. Charles told me he’ll end things. Well I didn’t wanna loose him so I had to fight for him. To the extent I was abused sexually by his friend and I aborted a baby for Charles,he actually dis virgined me tho.
Well months passed, I was so confused and depressed then I met a guy at my coaching class. Well we started going out and we became bestie with benefits. So now I actually don’t know if I’m in love with the new guy and he treats me horribly 🥺 what do I do?
I’m so depressed
I just want to improve myself

1 Comment
  • Anonymous
    6:22 AM, 16 July 2021

    Hello.If your new guy treats you bad at this time it means he does not even love you.and one bad thing you can do to your self is to chase a boy who do not want you.

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